Are the phones answered in my company name?
Yes! You decide how we answer your phones and what you want our operators to say. We are here to be an
extension of your company and so should give the same look and feel as your company to your specifications.
Do your operators work from their home or from an office?
All of our operators work from our office. No kids or dogs barking in the background.
How do I retrieve my messages?
You can always call in to retrieve your messages or you can choose to receive them in one of our automated
methods which include, text message to your cell phone, email, alpha pager or by Fax.
How do I route my callers to you so you can answer our phones?
Simply make sure you have call forwarding on your lines from the phone company – or check to see if your phone
system has call forwarding abilities. Simply forward the phones to a local number we will provide you when you
sign up for service and we will promptly answer your calls until you cancel call forwarding of the lines.
Do I have to sign a long-term contract?
NO! You can terminate your service agreement at any time.
How Long does it take to setup my account?
In most instances – accounts can be setup within a couple of days – depending on the complexity of your needs.
For those that need faster setups, rush setup service is available.
Where are our calls answered? Are they outsourced to a foreign country?
NO – all calls are answered locally by our operators. No foreign accents!