Answering Specialists, Inc.
P.O. Box B
Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
Bill To
TEL 866-503-7025     FAX 888-478-4350 Invoice
PO # Account Invoice # Invoice Date
^po_num^ ^cust_code^ ^inv_num^ ^inv_date^
Quantity Description Rate Amount
We appreciate your patronage Total ^tot_inv^
^bill_to^ Answering Specialists, Inc.
P.O. Box B
Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
Please return this portion of your bill with your payment
Account Invoice # Invoice Date
^cust_code^ ^inv_num^ ^inv_date^
Payment Due By Amount Due Payment Amount
^due_date^ ^tot_due^
Credit Card Payment
Bill my credit card for this invoice
Bill my credit card every month automatically
Credit Card #
Expiration Date
CVV2 #